Here's an old lady making fresh bread. Inside the concrete tube (called a tone, pron. "tone-ay") there's a fire. She sticks her hands in there and applies dough to the sides of the tone. when it's ready, she scrapes it off with that tool.
Fresh Mtsvadi. I can't tell you how good this is.
Even fresher Mtsvadi. Well.. it's gotta come from somewhere...
Our friend Shmagi (in the traditional dress) playing impromptu with the flute maker. Those rods across his chest -- not bullets, wooden sticks. That was how Georgian fighters protected themselves from swords. Not as strong as chain mail, but not as heavy either.
A traditional grape-stomping trough for wine. Our friend Shergil carved this out of 200 year old wood. As he put it "That wood was really...hard."
Carving up close
Stomping up close
Little boy at a still making moonshine (cha cha).
Cha cha still
Wow, where the hell was this still? That's fantastic!
Isn't it neat? Unfortunately, I have no idea where it was. I was pretty sick by that time. Ugh. Bad, bad day.
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